Scouts BSA Troop 41 Christmas tree lot in Phoenix

The Christmas tree lot was more than just a fundraiser to support summer travel and camping for scouts, it was also a FRIEND-RAISER for scouting everywhere (checkout the feedback from Square purchases).
The 71st Annual Christmas Tree Sale finished up on Sunday, December 13th, with all trees sold.
Thanks to the leaders, parents and scouts of Troop 41 chartered by the First United Methodist Church in Phoenix for representing Scouting at its best!
For information about the tree lot or troop, email Scoutmaster Brian Cook at:

Scouts in Action Christmas Tree Lot
Boy Scout Troop 41 was established in the 1930’s and began selling Christmas trees in 1949. The troop’s annual Christmas tree lot is 100% owned and operated by the scouts and parents of the troop. The troop does not have any outside resources aside from their tree farm grower that they contract through located in Oregon. As a matter of fact, the troop’s own scoutmaster (Brian Cook) was a scout in Troop 41 during the 1980’s and has many fond memories selling trees as both a scout and an adult. Brian has been scoutmaster since 1997 and since then, has worked hard every year with other parents of Troop 41 at keeping the tradition of selling Christmas trees by a scout troop in the Phoenix metro area alive. Due to the longevity of the troop selling trees, they have many families in the local community that go back several generations and still buy their tree from them every year.
For over 70 years now, providing Christmas Trees to the families of local community is a part of the scouting experience with Troop 41. They also embrace the opportunity for the community to see our scouts in action and applying the life skills that are taught through the Scout Oath and Scout Law in the real-world experience of selling our trees. This is what makes it special year after year to see younger scouts learn how to follow and older scouts learn how to lead. While still active in the approach to other fundraising activities like selling popcorn, troop 41 has been able to carry on this tradition successfully, which helps them put the outing in scouting.
The great thing about this fundraiser is that it gets troop 41 scouts out in the public eye and the customers are happy to see the boys engaged and taking the lead on sales. This is like a scout’s first real job – they learn customer service skills, salesmanship (can also earn a merit badge) and equipment maintenance.
There is a lot of planning, processes and infrastructure that go into making the Christmas tree lot successful, which includes the Unit Money Earning Application. The troop is careful to ensure a transparent approach with the District and Council Leadership to keep everyone informed on how and why they are taking these efforts on and what the proceeds will be used for in the name of Scouts BSA. The proceeds that are generated help defer costs for the troop’s annual week at Camp Geronimo and other amazing summer trips. This year they are looking at Hawaii or Alaska for trip options for the troop.
If any questions, contact the troop’s scoutmaster, Brian Cook, at or check out their website –
Boy Scout Troop 41 selling Christmas trees in Phoenix / PostedÂ