Helping Cub Scouts Learn to Protect Themselves
The Boy Scouts of America is committed to creating safe environments for Scouts and leaders. As program planning starts in anticipation of the new program year, pack leaders should be aware of a change in this area that will affect the Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos, and Arrow of Light Cub Scout ranks.

Because BSA’s supporting partner organization had retired its Cyber Chip, that requirement is being replaced for these ranks (and this new adventure added to the requirements for Lion)
The new set of Adventures called “Protect Yourself Rules” was developed in partnership with the Barbara Sinatra Children’s Center Foundation.
Child abuse is an uncomfortable topic but an important one to cover to ensure the safety and well-being of our Scouts. The Boy Scouts of America has partnered with the subject-matter experts at the Foundation to create “Protect Yourself Rules” Adventures that help children recognize, respond to, and report abuse.
Before starting work on this adventure, den leaders should review Scouting’s Barriers to Abuse because this new Adventure is intended to complement BSA’s existing youth-protection measures. After their den has completed its age-appropriate Adventure, we would value den leaders’ thoughts, so we ask that they complete the quick survey provided at the website where they reviewed the lesson plan. For their analysis, feedback from the survey will be shared with the Barbara Sinatra Children’s Center Foundation.