Proudly Announcing and Recognizing Exceptional Volunteer Leaders Receiving the 2024 Council Honors

The officers and Executive Board of the Grand Canyon Council are proud to recognize the exceptional volunteer leaders receiving the 2024 Council Honors. These individuals have provided dedicated and noteworthy service to Scouting and youth in communities across the council’s service area.

Award of Merit Recipients:

Join us in applauding Troy Joseph Aliff, Jason Bowles, Tom Collins, Tamara Dowd, Scott Gaddis, Diane M. Gebhardt, Robert Allan Gibbs, Bruce Gustin, Stacey Haggart, Mark Price, and Robert “Mitch” Tate for their exceptional dedication!

Distinguished Commissioner/Coach Award Recipients:

Jeffrey Polston and Judy Walden. Join us in celebrating their incredible dedication and service!

Distinguished Service Star Recipient:

A big congratulations to Gary Vaughan for his outstanding contributions!

North Star Award Recipient:

Shining brightly is Steve Gottlieb, our North Star Award honoree!

Silver Beaver Award Recipients:

Hats off to Alana LaBelle, John McLellan, Jess Rankin, Mindy Richins, and Doug Ullrich for this prestigious recognition!

Unit Leader Award of Merit Recipients: We proudly recognize and honor all 2024 Unit Leader Award of Merit recipients:

Alexander Estrella, Andrew Weflen, Brian Smith, Charlie Odegaard, Chris Stewart, Doug Ullrich, Edward “Jason” Youn, Jerrod Scott, Jonathan Watson, Karina Ortega, Robert Gibbs, Ryan Takeuchi, Stephen Metcalf, Timothy Francis, Timothy Whitney Sr., Trisha Bergman, Wesley Fuller, Lee Fowler.

Celebrating Tom Curzon: National Outstanding Eagle Scout Award Recipient

The Grand Canyon Council is proud to announce Tom Curzon as the recipient of the National Outstanding Eagle Scout Award (NOESA). Tom’s exceptional leadership and lifelong dedication to Scouting, including his past role as Chairman and current position as Compensation Committee Chair, have had a profound impact on our community. We congratulate Tom on this well-deserved recognition and look forward to sharing more about his remarkable journey in the coming months.

Everyone is invited to join us for a special recognition celebration honoring these outstanding volunteers at the 2025 Council Recognition and Fellowship Day on Saturday, February 8, 2025. Stay tuned for more details as we celebrate the extraordinary contributions of our volunteers!

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