Honoring Traditions, Meeting Leaders, and Retiring Flags with Troops 329 and 3329

Troops 329 and 3329 hosted the flag collection at the Royal Palm Park July 4th Celebration. Troop 329 has proudly carried out this tradition for the past 10 years. This year, we were honored to have four politicians visit our booth and meet our Scouts:
Andrew Horne, running for Congress in District 1
Daniel Valenzuela, running for Maricopa County Supervisor
Kate Brophy McGee, running for Maricopa County Supervisor
Debra Stark, running for Maricopa County Supervisor
Jack Luman from Troop 41 led the opening ceremony with the Pledge of Allegiance. Scouts from Troops 329, 3329, 340, and 41 participated, and we collected 21 flags for retirement.
Submitted by Roger Ottaway, Troop 329