On a beautiful October morning, Pack 472 enjoyed a day out, combining hiking and the magic of an annular solar eclipse.

Pack 472 is a Family pack based out of Kyrene de la Mariposa and proudly chartered with Mariposa’s PTO. This summer, they doubled in size by merging with a nearby pack and adding 19 new Scouts, mainly at the Lion and Tiger levels.
Pack 472 went hiking to Pima Canyon Trail Head on Saturday, October 14, 2023, during the annular solar eclipse. 23 Cub Scouts and around 60 participants, including family and friends, gathered for this adventure. Phil McKeown, Committee Chair with Pack 472 highlights outdoor activities for Cub Scouts: “Outdoor activities are always some of the most attended events. The kids love being outdoors, and I’m sure the parents love it even more.” The eclipse made the day extra special.

Mark Phillips, Webelos Den Leader with Pack 472, had three different routes planned to cater to Scouts of all levels, and they all led to a key point overlooking the entire valley perfectly timed for the eclipse.
The eclipse began at 8:30 a.m., after some of the younger hikers had already finished. A prepared parent had eclipse glasses, making the experience unforgettable. McKeown, said, “It was very cool to take a peek up every once in a while. It started as just a sliver off the top, but by the hike’s end, more than half of the sun was blocked out.”

There’s more adventure on the horizon for Pack 472. McKeown mentioned, “We have a Spring Campout and a Spring Hike tentatively planned for February/March. We had a record 81 attendees at our last campout, and we’re expecting the spring events to be just as memorable.”