Camp Geronimo's Top 5 Questions

Is Camp Geronimo Hosting Summer Camp?
Yes! Camp Geronimo will have 8 sessions staring May 30, 2021 – July 18, 2021 with the cohort system! Glad you asked!
So, what is a cohort?
First, our Council Staff and Health Supervisor are coordinating with state and local health departments to ensure we are informed of and comply with their guidance to maximize health and safety of all participants. View our Camp Health plan.
A cohort is a set of units made up of no more than 50 Scouts and Scouters.
- It ensures that you will never be in a group of more than 50 people.
- Helps our staff know when they need to sanitize each program area.
- If someone shows symptoms of COVID-19, we will be able to notify you if you were exposed to that individual.
- It gives you and your Scouts the opportunity to still meet new people while at Camp.

What’s the Price Information and Cancellation Policy?
The fee schedule and site reservation information can be found on page 5 of the 2021 Leaders Guide.
View the Key event details. This includes program total fees, payment schedule, individual payment deadlines, and cancellation policy.
Any event canceled by GCC or a district will result in full refunds of all funds paid. In all other cases the following policy will be followed:
- Any deposits paid will be forfeited.
- Some events have stated refund policies, for all others please refer to the following table: – Refund request rec’d X days prior to event:
- Amount Refunded 0-10 days 0%, 10-30 days 50%, 31+ days 100%
- Refund requests received after a program has begun will be considered if there are extraordinary circumstances and the maximum refund will be 50%.
- Examples include documented medical reason (doctor’s note required), a positive COVID-19 test for the individual or immediate family, a death in the immediate family, or a natural disaster.
Are Camperships available?
Yes, a limited number of camperships are available to help Grand Canyon Council Scouts in need of financial assistance. Campership information can be found on page 6 of the 2021 Leaders Guide.
All Applications must be received in the council office no later than 8 weeks prior to the start date of your event.
So, how do I register?
When you are ready to register choose your adventure at
- Click on the register button
- Select the number of participants in the desired program (Merit Badges, Brownsea Island, Fish Camp, Spade Ranch Adventure 14+, etc)
- Click register
- Insert information as instructed
For more details visit:
- Camp Geronimo FAQ:
- Full Leaders Guide: