Michael, Johnathan, Nikolas, Damian, Thomas, Carter, and Oliver have showcased exemplary dedication, leadership, and service, collectively clocking over 556 hours to benefit Arizona communities. From revitalizing playgrounds to aiding shelters, their incredible projects truly reflect the heart of Scouting.

Congratulations to seven new Eagle Scouts in the Grand Canyon Council, Central Phoenix area, as each led their teams of Scouts and volunteers through completing their project, logging collectively just over 556 service hours around the Council and completing all the Eagle requirements to achieve this great honor!
Their dedication, planning, hard work and leadership has truly paid off, benefiting each of these organizations listed below, here in Arizona. Along with their commitment to community service, learning and growing their outdoor skills, personal development, Order of the Arrow membership and earning numerous merit badges, each one of these young men exemplifies the values of Scouting and what it means to earn the rank of Eagle Scout.
Of course, they gained this knowledge and experience with the help of their parents, friends, family members, troop leaders along with dedicated Scouter volunteers to help guide them along their journey. We also want to thank our dedicated volunteers for participating to help facilitate each individual Board of Review. We would also like to thank Camelback Church of Christ, Phoenix, for hosting this special gathering. Soaring to new heights, we are all incredibly proud of each of their accomplishments and we wish him continued success in their future endeavors. Congratulations, Michael, Johnathan, Nikolas, Damian, Thomas, Carter and Oliver. We are all so proud of you and look forward to hearing what comes next for you on your next journey. Soar High Eagle Scouts!
Pictured from left to right:
Michael W. Troop 201 – Constructed a spring pole/zip line and laid down turf at the Arizona Animal Welfare League to support the dogs at the shelter.
Johnathan B. Troop 340 – Collected winter coats, shoes, hats and various winter gear and donated all to St. John the Baptist Catholic Church in St. John, AZ.
Nikolas G. Troop 340 – Paved and stripped a playground by applying a seal coat to a section of asphalt at the St. Thomas the Apostle School.
Damian M. Troop 340 – Designed and built a gaga ball pit at the Ville de Marie Academy on their playground for the children who attend the school.
Thomas E. Troop 41 – Built and assembled new cat shelters and repainted the older cat shelters at the Arizona Animal Welfare League.
Carter S. Troop 148 – Built three trenches and cleaned out a patio area, preparing for new electrical system and created a storage area for the St. Joan of Arc Parish.
Oliver G. Troop 148 – Built and installed a set of shelves and clothes racks in the theatre storage room at St. Simon and Jude Catholic Church, after clearing out the closet making space for costumes and storage containers, creating a more effective system in the area.