Recognizing Outstanding Contributions - Meet the 2023 District Award of Merit Recipients"

At our February Winter Homecoming, we celebrated our 2023 Council Honors Award recipients. During the event, we had the pleasure of presenting the District Award of Merit to 11 volunteers who have contributed significant time and talent to support their districts. Whether it’s leading or supporting a District Camporee, participating on Eagle Boards on the Advancement Committee, chairing our annual District Awards Dinner, supporting the annual Veteran’s Day Parade, leading the Order of the Arrow, or supporting as a Unit Leaders in a leadership role, these individuals, nominated by their peers, have demonstrated their commitment to serve their districts. Over the next two months, we will be featuring all 11 award recipients, and our remaining Council Honors awardees throughout the year. This month, we wish to Congratulate the following six district volunteers:
“Scouting gives me an opportunity to help boys grow into responsible, thoughtful, resilient, young men and leaders. Scouting also gives me a chance to become friends with like-minded parents, volunteers, and staff, and give many parents opportunities to contribute to their community through the Unit in a meaningful way where they become strong examples for their Scouts and get to watch their Scouts grow. Finally, Scouting gives me a chance to teach both Scouts and adults the fundamentals of leadership skills which I love to do.”
Ross Lemire, Unit Coach, Troop 283 Assistant Scoutmaster, Wood Badge Staff Troop Guide 2023-25
“As a single parent, Scouting provided my daughter, son, and I the means to engage in a positive and life changing lifestyle together. It brought us closer as a family, taught us all invaluable skills, and made us better communicators. Scouting will forever hold so many wonderful memories to share and celebrate, that compel us to continue being involved in serving Scouting and help create special memories for others.”
Lindsay Kittler, OA Metro Chapter Adviser, Assistant Scoutmaster Troop 329 & Troop 3329, Advancement Team
“Scouting is meaningful to me because it offers all youth with amazing opportunities to learn and develop important life and leadership skills they might not otherwise be exposed to, in a fun, relaxed setting. My passion for Scouting lies with being part of the development and growth of our future leaders. There is no better feeling than watching the new Arrow of Light Scouts cross over and be welcomed into their new Troop, watching the brotherhood/sisterhood develop over the years as Scouts work together to complete merit badges and community service projects, and the pride and confidence they have upon passing their boards of review for their next rank as they progress to Eagle rank. Yuma is truly blessed to have incredibly dedicated Scout Leaders and Scouting families who help our Scouts thrive as future leaders.”
Gen Grosse, Troop 8051/Venturing Crew 8051, Committee Chair/Assoc. Crew Advisor
“I love Scouting because of all the opportunities and experiences it provides to our youth. It is an amazing program and it teaches Scouts so much about life, whether it is a Cub Scout or Scouts BSA. You meet these kids and work with them and over time they find their voice and they become natural leaders. They find themselves through these experiences and it shapes their lives. I truly enjoy working with these wonderful Scouts and that is why I am involved in Scouting.”
Karen Albers, Troop 505 Scoutmaster
“Scouting is meaningful to me because of the opportunity to impact “one life”. What I mean is I may never know which one life I might have an impact on. The impact might not be evident until they are twenty-five years old and they have decided to start a business using the solid principles taught in the Scout Law. The impact may be in their character as a father or a mother when they feel driven to invest time in their own son or daughter. I may never know which one Scout I paid attention to or spent time teaching a skill to that will use that moment as a launchpad to accomplish great things or feel empowered to do anything. So, I will keep serving that “one Scout”.
Jess Rankin, Service Area Commissioner (Southeast – GCC), Camp Director for R-BOO-C, COR Pack 531 and Troop 531
“Scouting prepares youth to be leaders dedicated to serving others. From day one, a Scout finds a sense of belonging in a pack or troop, where they are encouraged, challenged, and supported by their peers and leaders. They take on various responsibilities that develop skills like self-confidence, the ability to work on a team, and value diversity and inclusiveness. These experiences and skills not only develop positive youth, but also makes them good citizens and positive members of their future community, workplace, and family.”
Matt Tantau, Chair, Volunteer Resources

“Scouting is meaningful to me because it has stretched me out of my comfort zone. As a result, I recently completed Wood Badge training. Scouting also gives me hope when I watch the youth make moral and ethical decisions, inside and outside of Scouting.”
Amy Frederick, Pack 7031 Committee Chair
“We get to engage our youth in meaningful ways, the scouting program is a transformative adventure that makes all of us better. Witnessing this positive change assures me that tomorrow will be brighter than today, and the fact the small part I get to play is fun – that’s a nice bonus.”
John McLellan, OA Lodge Adviser, Wipala Wiki Lodge #432
“Scouting is meaningful to me as it is an opportunity for me to make a difference in the lives of our community youth. By mentoring and engaging scout youth and helping them to develop essential life skills and cultivate leadership opportunities, this allows our youth to grow in confidence and civil engagement. The final reward is watching them become amazing young adults while having fun in the process!”
Sasha Brooke Willis, Scoutmaster Troop 3030, NYLT Assistant Director and Scoutmaster (G) Summer 2024 Session 1, Leave No Trace Trainer
“Scouting is meaningful to me because of the endless opportunities it provides to our youth.”
Jamie Mueller, Pack 380 Committee Chair
“I am honored to be recognized for my dedication as a longtime scoutmaster, heavily involved with NYLT, and committed to training both adults and youth. Scouting is meaningful to me because it provides a platform to nurture leadership and impart invaluable skills that leave a lasting impact on individuals and communities. For youth in our charge, scouting may be the best thing that happens to them for that weekly meeting or that weekend outing- making it count makes the difference.”
Kevin Forsythe, Scoutmaster Troop 546B, GCC- NYLT Coordinator, GCC Leader Development Advisory Team (LADT), Training Committee